Tuesday 19 April 2011

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

We understand that branding is very important as it helps the audience to recognise the product, for example Mc Donald's golden arches are popular worldwide and not only that so is their advertising colour scheme. This is why we chose to keep a running theme throughout our products. I have mentioned above that we used the sound bite from the main product in our radio advert and also the music is the same. This way the audience will be able to recognise that the advert links to the main product.

Just like Mc Donald's consistent colour scheme, we have done the same by using similar colours on the newspaper advert in our blog as we wanted to keep it professional, attaining a house style. Our colour scheme was inspired by BBC3's use of bright playful colours, as we were broadcasting on this channel we also wanted to follow their house style in a way, by also maintaining a youthful and exciting colour scheme and it is also it works well with our target audience.

The typography of our title's 'Out Of The Dark' text in the newspaper advert is rather quirky and adventurous, which reflects the personality of our presenter although we should have used the same text on our documentary's title as our poster. The rest of the text is professional and we did this to keep it mature for older adults who see the advert, as even though we are targeting a younger audience we do not want to shut away older audiences.

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